Friday, February 5, 2010


i did chemo again, for the second time. & basiclly the same stupid stuff. but whatevvvs. i guess i'm not a blogger, since i can't keep with it. but i'll try. so chemo didn't do anything. pretty upsetting. my hair is mostly gone. i still have hairs that survived & still ar growing. lmfao. ginger hair is stronggg:). i have a wig cut, & it's really nice, so thats good. lalala.. oh. i have to do radiation for 5 days a week for 5 weeeks. then surgery. then hopefully my cancer doesnt spread 'cos radiation & surgey can do that. then i heal & hopefully go back to la eascuela that i miss soooo much! for radiation, i have tatoos on me now, 5 little black freckles, i guess.. & thats where radiation beams will hit me everyday. radiation is really scary, cus it can cause growh defects, infertlity, & serious crap like that. which... i obvi don't wannahave. Of couse, i'm gonnna feel sick & gay all the time. "FAKE AND GAY!" anyways.. im up. should be in bed. but not. all alone. help. this writting sucks.. i should be in bedd.

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